Day 84 - Dinner in Wudaokou
This morning was a long one at work today. The kids had a massive fitness test, so we all arrived to the gym an hour and a half earlier than normal to finish the test up before lunch. Our strength coach and PT are leaving in the next couple of days for a brief holiday back home.
Since this was going to be the last evening with the guys, we decided to go out to Wudaokou for the evening and get some pizza. Pretty crazy traffic on the way out, but it was so worth it. Always good to get away from the campus every once and awhile. Since it was us hangin gout at night, I only bring out my wide angle & my 50mm f/1.8.
After pizza before heading back to the bus, we made a quick stop at this pastry shop that always has a line. The smells from the shop constantly fill the intersection with 1000’s of pedestrians walking by each hour.