Day 117 - Dual Moguls
Today we decided to go over to Thaiwoo for the Dual Mogul finals event. Never been to this type of event before, but I’ve always heard great things about it. Last year when I was in Park City for World Championships, I wanted to go watch, but we ended up being swamped and unable to attend. Since we had the day off, it was a no-brainer.
Headed over right before lunch and started the afternoon the best way possible, by getting some Pizza. Right afterwards we headed up to the Moguls area for to watch the event. As we arrived up top, we were right in time to see the buddy Brenden making his way down the mountain. Winning his first race and onto the around of 32. Unfortunately he lost his next race, but on the plus side I got to chill with a homie a bit longer. Saw some crazy races going down and it really was impressive to watch Mikael Kingsbury in his zone competing.
Following the event, I decided to hang out with Brenden and Dean a bit longer. I ended up staying much longer and very thankful for some great conversations about life, sport, and other subjects that seem to not be addressed too much while you’re in the sport. Really thankful to have a friend that I can hang out with and have some solid conversations with. Always appreciate those people in my life and hope to keep up our spontaneous conversations like that to stay motivated on new aspects of life.