Day 115 - Maybe a little Photoshopped
We were scheduled today for another full day on hill with the kids. As I was about to leave the room though, Deni mentioned to me that he had noticed Su & Dragon being much more tired than they should be. I told this to Brad and he inquired further on the matter. After realizing how exhausted the kids were we decided to take today at a more mellow pace.
As we went in for lunch, it was decided to let the kids swim for the afternoon. They’ve been working hard this week and need a good rest like that. That meant we were able to have a much more free afternoon. At first helping Brad with some schedule things & then back in the room to do a bit of studying. Really wanting to finish another class this weekend, but need to do some more reading on Data Privacy. While I’m wanting to finish another class to get back on schedule, I’m rather enjoying learning all these new Laws and Orders that have shaped a huge part of my life without my realizing of them.
Following a long study session, I realized that I was needing a study break and I got up to walk around for some photos. First going out to take some pics of the Aerials and the scenes of the hotel on a Friday. I also continued to listen to Viktor E. Frankl’s Book, “ Man’s Search for Meaning”. I finally finished the Concentration Camp chapter. Normally I’m able to get through chapters of books with ease, but on learning about all the things he endured while at the Camp, I struggled to continue at times. It’s astonishing to hear how someone can go through some of the worst the suffering known in our history, and come out of the other side and still find meaning, love, & joy out of life.
The afternoon continued into the evening and I was still needing to take a few photos to finish out my day. Brad was in photo mood, so we both got ready for the cold and headed out to take a few more photos. Not surprisingly it was a freezing one & we didn’t stay long. But we were able to get a photo with the flash of him in front of the hotel that I like. The hotel is having some random event going on & had blue lights illuminate of the the runs. When we got back to the room, we had a fun time photoshopping the photo a bit more and making it look pretty funny.