Day 92 - Off to Changbai Mountain
Ring, ring, was my alarm awakening me at 4:00 am. Today is our travel day back to the snow. We’re taking some flights to Changbai Mountain, near North Korea. Leaving the hotel by 4:45 and on the bus to the airport by 5:00. Thankfully a very uneventful time getting to the airport and easily making our first flight.
Following a quick transfer in Changchun, we arrived in Changbai around noon. Definitely the easiest travel day I’ve done with a team so far. After arriving we headed straight to the hotel & hot damn, am I happy to be here. While I had some good times in Beijing this past month, our hotel was really not so great. Extremely dusty, cramped, & had bars outside our window. It didn’t really help you feel like you were in the best place. This place, on the other hand, is much more in my element. Its definitely winter up here and freezing. It should be interesting to see what the mountain has in store for us tomorrow.