Day 77 - Casual Autumn Day
Been really enjoying the changing of seasons here on campus. Today was a very mellow day at work & following lunch, walking back to the hotel to see the leaves starting to fall. Enjoying the sights of autumn colors while they last.
This evening walking out of our final session to see a bunch of rock climbers. Since I’ve been here this was the first time even seeing someone use this wall. Thought something was wrong with it or they had upgraded and left this one standing. Thankfully it was getting some use and I was hyped to snap a couple images before heading to dinner.
As I returned to the hotel, I noticed a bunch of clouds moving fairly quickly. I’ve seen some images taken with long exposure where the clouds are moving swiftly by and always wanted to try it out. With the light being dark enough I wanted to try this long exposure with bulb mode. After a few tries, I was able to get this image at around 3 mins exposure at 100 ISO.