Day 64 - Brad's Back!
Woke up this morning to the sound of someone speaking English in the hallway. Brad had flown around 4am this morning & staying right down the hall from me. Always good seeing the buddy here, and happy to have him back to share the coaching work with.
Before he arrived, I’ve been doing two and half hour trampoline sessions with the kids. This has actually been working out ok for only one coach to work with each kid. But with two coaches, that time is more than enough to really be effective with helping the kids out. Got word though that a big test is happening next week. Time to prepare as much as we can.
Another awesome part that Brad’s back, is I finally have someone else to take photos with. While today was mostly staying on campus and doing some meetings, I’m hoping we’ll go one some photo missions in the coming weeks. Till then though, I honestly might be going a little stir-crazy living in this hotel at the moment.