Day 62 - Monday's
Passed out super early yesterday coming back from the Great Wall and woke up around 5:30 am today. As I was starting my day, I got a call from my Mom. She was cleaning the upstairs again, and wanted to ask about a few things. We ended up getting in a chat and catching up a bit. Happy to hear her voice, and know she’s been doing well.
Back at it today on the trampolines with the kids. In the past year of coaching, i’ve found it interesting to see which kids remember the lessons we worked on & the ones who forget. From what I’ve noticed, the ones who remember are the go-getters who are consistently taking action, while the ones who forget have been the more reserved kids. Needing to help them remember a bit better with some mental cues.
On my way to lunch, I was listening to an introduction to a new podcast called “the next big idea.” In it, it challenges certain ideas we’ve had and shows other ways on how to improve in live. The first episode talked about ideas of ,“10,000 hours vs Range”. Where the 10,000 hour rule has become a bench mark on how we view great professionals, Range focuses more on general foundational building blocks to become great at something rather than a singular focus. Thought this was interesting and planning on learning more about it by reading the book Range following my current book, “The Power of Now”.
For my photos today, I was definitely feeling a bit more on the tired side. Realizing I need to get out of the campus a bit more as I’m already lacking some motivation when it comes to taking photos of the same things over and over. This evening though, I decided to walk outside of the campus and do some light streaks of cars passing by. Always find these photos fun as you never know what the exact result will be. Starting to think though that I need to upgrade my baby gorilla pod to a full grown model eventually.