Day 124 - Snowboard Finals
The morning went by quickly like a blur. Did a bit of cleaning up, showering, and continued listening to Talking to Strangers. The Malcolm Gladwell book that to summarize what I learned from today was how people expect others to react as if it was a kind of TV show (Friends was the example used). People have grown accustomed to seeing others' reactions like this, but this simply isn’t how real people show emotions. While people seem to trust others more who have those reactions we can expect, it’s the people with the mismatched reactions that have caused massive confusion for others. The book uses the example of Amanda Knox and how she was falsely accused of murder, for the reason that she was a mismatched type of person. Fascinating to continue learning about.
This afternoon I went out to watch a bit of Snowboard pipe finals. Safe to say they have been the most unlucky when it comes to weather this trip. For qualifiers and finals was an insane amount of snow for everyone. Still a great show & winning the event was Liu Jiayu of China for women and Scotty James from Australia for the men.