Day 109 - Top of the Mountain
Thankful I was able to have some time to relax a bit today. Today the only activity we had was morning gym with the kids. After I was hanging out, I decided to listen to another Speedlight class. After lunch though, I quickly realized that I was getting very exhausted. While originally thinking I would stay in my room and rest, my roommate Deni said he was going for a walk. I realized I hadn’t taken any photos today and had to finish up a few things before being able to join.
I texted him later to find out that he & Brad were at the top of the mountain getting some coffee. I headed up quickly after and joined them. After grabbing a cappuccino, we sat down for some cards. Playing a game Deni was teaching us, that was similar to UNO. Throughout the games though, I was still fading. Struggling to keep my focus and after a few games, I realized I needed to head home for a power nap. As I arrived back though, I realized that sleeping would be more difficult than I thought. There’s been leaks and water spills in our new building section, and my power nap was halted by the sound of constant power tools. Towards the end was able to sneak in a quick 20 min nap before heading over to Thaiwoo with the guys.
While transportation over there was kind of a hassle and definitely overpriced. It was nice to have a change of scenery for the evening. I really wish they figured something out though to have a quicker option. After some big burgers, we all went to play some pool. Today I was really struggling mentally with finding focus as we played games. I wanted to win, but I was lacking the clarity needed. Played my worse game of pool ever, and was so out of it. Needing to sleep and get used to being back in the cold weather.