Day 1 - #ChaseJarvisChallenge lets go!
About a week ago, I was listening to Chase Jarvis give an interview to Ramit Sethi on CreativeLive. In the interview, they were talking about how they started their careers and the hard work they put into them. While making my way through the interview I heard Chase mentioned that for a time, to improve his craft he took 100 photos a day. This stuck with me and has motivated to shoot more. While I’ve taken a good amount of photos the past few days I hadn’t made any sort of commitment to the idea, until today. Currently following a course on the CreativeLive site that asked what things you can do in 12 months to improve yourself. While anyone that’s followed any kind of motivational course has heard this before, most of the time we may follow, we might say “Oh that’s a great idea”, but put it on the back-burner till later. So for one of my goals, I wrote that I want to take 100 photos every day for the next year. Labeling this idea to myself as the #chasejarvischallenge, and from this will plan to take over 36,500 photos in the next year.
Honestly sounds a bit over-ambitious, but I know I can do it. Some people reading this might ask simply why I would want to do this? Two reasons. Firstly, for me, I’ve always loved the idea of pushing myself. While this isn’t much of a physically demanding task, it takes a lot of discipline and self-motivation to accomplish. Secondly, for about as long as I can remember even before I fully dove into skiing, I loved photography. While I was in my skiing career though, I never felt like I could fully focus on it the way I wanted to. In the past year of having a camera, it’s been so fun for me to focus on improving this craft, and continually learning about it has been a source of inspiration.
Here it is then. Day 1 of the #ChaseJarvisChallenge