Day 135 - Through the National Park
We had another free day and with it, Sabine & I set off to visit Admont. It’s the place that has the largest Monastery Library in the World. Unfortunately for us though, when we arrived the library was closed. Honestly was pretty bummed as I’ve heard it was gorgeous. We ending up walking around the campus & sat in the church a little bit.
Following the church & some soup at a little restaurant, we decided to get back on the road. As we were making our way, Sabine mentioned the entrance to the National Park that was to our right. I realized that I hadn’t actually been through the park with her & we ended up making a detour. Catching the very last light of the day as we made our way through the park. With the sun only hitting the peaks of the mountains, the light was gorgeous and I was able to get one of my very favorite landscape photos to date.