Day 127 - Christmas Finals
Merry Christmas and a ski final to you, and another cold one at that. The only task for today was to watch ski finals & that’s exactly what we went to do. Standing out in the freezing cold for two hours while each person dropped in. Not exactly the way I’d like to spend my Christmas, but here we are. Thankfully though there was a hut for medical staff that I was able to sneak into. Thank god for that building or else I would have been even more of a Grinch.
It was still a fun contest to watch though as Dragon landed two really good runs and finished the contest in 6th place. The A-Team boys & girls cleaned up by sweeping the podium easy, although one girl was making a good attempt at the podium by finishing in 4th ahead of Ziyi.
This evening we didn’t really do much & ended up hanging out in my room watching Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. About midway through it though, I heard a loud knock coming from Wang’s room. It ended up being Brad as there was a small meeting happening. Thankfully nothing serious and only to discuss dinner plans. Nice of the staff to do something special for all of us on Christmas.